


分离 & 退休

补偿 & 支付



加1/3点 用于增加的中点
完整的 $76,572 $80,442 $82,377
联系 $64,963 $69,833 $70,768
助理 $53,354 $57,224 $59,159




加1/3点 用于增加的中点
完整的 $77,721    
联系 $65,937    
助理 $54,154    




加1/3点 用于增加的中点
完整的 $81,608    
联系 $69,234    
助理 $56,862    
Sr. 教练 $48,000    
教练 $42,000    
讲师 $1,200/ch    
  • 学术 Year 支付ment Option Form -  Faculty on academic year appointments have the option of receiving their salary paid in 10 payments (September 1 through June 1) or 12 payments (September 1 through August 1) each year.  员工 eligible for the 12 pay option may complete this form, print and return it to the 支付roll Office for processing.

按政策图书馆505.董事会将于7月16日采取行动, 2004, the overload teaching pay rate for regular faculty is $1,每学时000美元.


505.9.1 Pre-established Overload Teaching 支付 Rate. 在紧急情况下, full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty members may agree to teach a course or a section of a course in addition to the regular teaching schedule. 支付 for such extra teaching responsibility is based upon an established overload teaching pay rate approved by the ISU 校董会 and available from the Office of the Provost and Vice President for 学术事务.

505.9.2 Appropriate Authorization Required for Additional 补偿. Fiscal year faculty members or exempt staff may not receive additional compensation for teaching classes, research or other contract purposes without prior authorization by the appropriate vice president’s office. 按此进入 Fiscal Employee Approval Form.

  1. This form is to be used for a single payment to an employee of 电子游戏试玩. 咨询顾问, contractors or service providers are to be paid through the Office of the Controller via an 电子游戏试玩 check request. For assistance in determining if an individual is an employee or a consultant/ independent contractor, contact the Office of the Controller at extension 3525.
  2. A copy of the Drug-Free Workplace Act can be obtained from the 人力资源 Office or viewed at http://7gh.estudiomj.com/humres/docs/Drug-FreePolicyForm.pdf
  3. 为本表格之目的, a new employee is considered to be someone who HAS NOT worked for the University during the past 12 months. Prior to or on the first day of employment, a new employee must go to the 人力资源 Office and the 支付roll Office with the proper identification to complete the following forms:
    1. I-9移民表格
    2. 无毒形式
    3. 员工信息表
    4. 电脑用户表格
    5. 预扣税表格
    6. 直接存款授权书
  • Fiscal year contract faculty or executive/administrative/professional staff may not receive additional compensation without prior authorization by the appropriate vice president's office using the Fiscal Employee Approval Form. The Fiscal Employee Approval Form may be obtained at http://estudiomj.com/humres/docs/fisca_emp_appr_form.pdf


  1. 人力资源 - I-9 completion for new employees
  2. Supervisor (typically directed the work or activity) - approval signature
  3. Administrator (typically Dean, 部门 Chair, Director) - approval signature
  4. 副总裁-审查
  5. ISU 基金会 - approval signature (required only when requesting reimbursement from 基金会)
  6. Office of the Controller (Finance or Grants & Contracts) - index/fund verification
  7. 人力资源
  8. 工资-支付

One Time 支付 Authorizations are processed on a continuing basis in the 支付roll Office, and are paid twice monthly on a date following the completion of the activity. 支付ment occurs on either the regular Monthly 支付roll on the 1st of the month or on the Supplemental 支付roll. The pay dates for the Supplemental 支付roll occur on the 15th of each month during the academic year, and occur according to the Summer Sessions calendar during the summer. Direct deposits are processed and pay stubs are released to employee in the same manneras regular pays.